Dividing line.
Design visual
The infographic design.
The story behind the design 
This infographic was one in a themed series about day-to-day financial literacy topics, published by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s Moneysmart (a website that helps ordinary Australians take steps to improve their personal finances and make the most of their money). 
Its long, vertical format was designed to suit use/scrolling on websites and other electronic devices, and for sharing on social media feeds.  
The infographic design 
The infographic’s look-and-feel echoed previously designed infographics, to give the impression that all infographics were part of a campaign. 
Creatively, an infographic can exploit duality by playing on how data is perceived differently. For example, the icons designed for ‘Relaxation’ (a great reason for getting a pet) and ‘Responsibility’ (a drawback) are identical.
Humour often enhances how information is digested — a point we demonstrated literally by grouping weirdly edible items into a Menu du Jour for pets.
> One infographics designed, in three sections to allow for staged release
> Final images optimised for use online and in social media. 
Creative awards 
Honorable Mention — International Design Awards 
Award of Excellence — Communicator Awards 
Silver Award — Daveys Awards 
Silver Award — Creativity Annual Awards. 
Want to know more?
Contact James Armstrong for a chat about this project, your project, or a design quote. 

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