Dividing line.
Design visual
The infographic design.
The story behind the design 
The Behavioural Research and Policy Unit at the Australian Securities and Investments Commission conducted extensive consumer research about the complaints handling processes at financial services firms.
We were tasked to communicate this visually, as two infographics, to promote the launch of ASIC’s accompanying research report. 
The infographic design 
This infographic was an interesting design challenge because of the volume of data available to communicate, and the complex or nuanced relationships between some datasets. 
We consulted with ASIC to help prioritise what ‘hero data’ would be published, ensuring the infographic could remain a manageable size and visually engaging. 
A fun motif, that helped tied information together, was the stylised human affectionately known as ‘Jan’ (short for ’not happy, Jan’). Jan was a decorative element that helped break up the facts and figures, bring humour and visual interest to the drier sections, and remind viewers who the focus of the report is: consumers.  
The second infographic will be posted here once ASIC publishes it. 
> Two infographics designed
> Used online and in social media. 
Want to know more? 
Contact James Armstrong for a chat about this project, your project, or a design quote. 

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